Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Music is my boyfriend

"Music is my boyfriend." -CSS

I relate to this line in that music provokes my thoughts, emotions, memories and I often love spending time with it. But, if music is my boyfriend, it's a freaking expensive one. And while I love him dearly, I must also weigh my carefree heart against my thinning wallet. FYI, in the real world, I would not support my bf monetarily. Homey don't play that.

Currently, my need to save for an impending Europe trip--two weeks to go!--is competing more heavily with my desire to download music. My boyfriend can be quite charming.

I had abstained for the most part these past few months, just downloading a few individual songs as opposed to albums while trying to find cheap alternatives when I could.

There are lots of free or cheap download sites, most of which seem shady to me (though I suppose that shouldn't matter as much since I now have a Mac so my computer doesn't catch a virus simply by turning on), but I get paranoid and also don't want to give my debit card number to any old site. I know I just haven't asked around to find the right one yet. I entrusted my music library and card number to iTunes but even they have the gall to charge $1.29 for certain songs, aka the popular ones. I guess they came up with their own stimulus package.

Amazon can have good deals but for the most part is .99 per song and while I try to rationalize those purchases as "supporting good music", especially if it's a band that's not as big, I also need to support myself. "There's the rub," as my good friend Hamlet would say.

My other rationalization is that music often inspires me in some way so if I purchase a bit of auditory motivation and it helps me to run that extra mile, pitch those extra stories or feel that much better, then it's already paid for itself. If I tried to sell this idea any harder, I may be tapped to replace Billy Mays. But when's the last time iTunes gave me a free tub of OxiClean for buying a whole Beck album? And yet....I buy. Food, music and clothes tend to go in rotations of my leisure expenses, though music is especially convenient (aka dangerous) because I can literally click my money away.

Mind you, I haven't bought a ridiculous amount of music online, but it can quickly add up and once I start exploring and looking at recommendations then it can be hard to say no. When I have something like Europe to save for, iTunes can be the bad part of town, and I should steer clear, especially late at night when my better judgment wanes.

This is some of the music I've given into thus far, and I still deem each to be click-worthy.

-"Sweet Disposition" by The Temper Trap: Worth every dime. I'd have paid over a buck for it. I can't wait to buy their album when I'm in the UK in September since it doesn't drop in the U.S. until October.

-"Panic Switch" by Silversun Pickups: I listened to this for weeks before actually buying it, just to make sure I liked it enough. I then proceeded to pretty much play it out, but I still enjoy it.

-"Help, I'm Alive" by Metric: Got this, another song and acoustic versions of both songs for $1 total on Metric's website. This was on repeat for a week or so and it stills give me a little boost.

-"Zero" by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs: This song was/is played a lot, but its beat kicks me in the butt, motivates me to move and puts a smile on my face. Money well spent.

-Kyte's self-titled album: I came across this on iTunes and loved the peaceful melodies and subtle dance beats. The album is short so it was cheaper. There's that Billy Mays spirit again.

-"LoveGame" by Lady Gaga: Yes, really. I shelled out a buck for this. Its main purpose was for my workout mix, I swear. Well, that and comfort that comes from provocative poetry like, "It's complicated and stupid; got my a_ _ squeezed by sexy Cupid..." I think Lady Gaga and Fergie bet to see who can make the most money off ridiculously-lyriced songs.

As for FREE music I've gotten and love just as much, some songs even more:

-Rob Dougan's Clubbed to Death Mix of Moby's "Porcelain": I have loved this song for a decade, ever since I got it on a free CD from a KROQ concert in high school. I was in love with Moby in high school, especially his beautiful "Porcelain", which was later played to death and used in media like the Leo DiCaprio flop "The Beach". Anyway, that CD and I somehow lost touch and I always wanted to find that song. I sporadically looked for it online over the years and it was always unavailable. I finally found it and Rob, Moby and I were reunited...for free. I'm getting a little Verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.

-"Viva la Beat It": This perfect, high-quality mash up of Coldplay's "Viva la Vida" and MJ's "Beat It" is definitely in my top five songs of the summer. And now I'm channeling Jon Cusack a la "High Fidelity" with my top five lists. However, you will never catch me in a Cosby sweater.

-More free mash-ups: LA's Echoplex has a magical night of mash-up dancing the first Saturday of each month and they have tons of free mash-ups on the site. Some of my faves are "Illiterate City" (Jackson 5 vs. Guns n' Roses), "Paper Rump" (Wreckx-N-Effect vs. M.I.A.), and "Dance Dreams" (Lady Gaga vs. Eurythmics).

-Street Sweeper Social Club: Sorry, I have no free link to this album from Tom Morello and Boots Riley. I borrowed a good old-fashioned CD from my friend Darla since she's a Rage Against the Machine fanatic and I knew she'd have this album. She loaned it to me after we saw an opening night showing of "500 Days of Summer". Talk about a night of phenomenal new experiences. "Fight! Smash! Win!" and "Promenade" are my favorite tracks.

Now, for music I want:

-The Temper Trap's new album "Conditions": If I weren't headed to the UK soon, I'd seriously consider buying the import CD off Amazon right now. UK Amazon wouldn't let me download the album. Bollocks, I say!

-The rest of the "500 Days of Summer" soundtrack: I downloaded "Sweet Disposition" the day after I heard it in the film. It's in good company with Regina Spektor, The Smiths, Feist and the velvety vocal stylings of Zooey Deschanel.

-Mute Math's new album "Armistice": I love some of the songs from their self-titled album and downloaded the "Spotlight" single months ago, but am very tempted to click my way further into Mute Math Land.

-Imogen Heap's new album "Ellipse": My awesome friend Cassandra sent me a link to stream Imogen Heap's new album for free, and after playing it in the background today, I have a feeling I'll want it. This album seems like it could seamlessly add to her previous album. Oh, Imogen Heap, "it's impossible to ignore you."

And I'm sure I could add quite a bit more to this list. But I'll try and be good for now. *Teeth clench*

When I return from Europe I may fall hard off the wagon since I'll be making up for five weeks of new music and no downloading. We'll see what I have left (other than trips to the gym) after weeks of crepes, gelato, cheese and cultural exploration. On the plus side, I may get exposed to some music before it hits the U.S., like in the case of The Temper Trap.

For now, I'll enjoy all my boyfriend has to offer. I can't wait for his many facets to accompany me to Europe--travel playlists are definitely on my long to-do list. The bf may stretch my wallet every now and then, but it's often worth it when he does and I know he's not going anywhere.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

"These are a few of my favorite things..."

Pasadena City Hall, especially at night.

The Getty Center in LA

Driving through LA at night. Not to be confused with driving through LA when there is heavy traffic, I don't know where I'm going, or am in a hurry; but when I can really enjoy the skyline, nightlife and that I live near a place so many people visit.



My women's small group. Going strong for over a year!

My awesome brother

Sea Turtles!

Unique food

Dressing up for a night with Dad and Oscar

Wine and cheese

My dog

Taking pictures

Getting snowed in (this is from Christmas 2008 in Washington)

Decorating my Christmas tree

Music that suits my mood


Writing, especially when I just want to and have no obligation.


Books that challenge me mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually

Sleeping in (when I can enjoy it and don't feel like I am behind. BTW, this photo looks like me but it's actually a random stock photo I found online.)

A good workout, especially to some good music

Conan's string dance

Musicals on the stage or screen


Mac and cheese

The beach

The good ol' Daily Show

Girl Time!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


A lighthearted little list of things that I like, and their counterparts that I dislike.

Jessica likes this.

Jessica likes this.

Jessica dislikes this
I so wanted to like this movie. I couldn't wait to see it! A movie with just one of these actors has a good chance of being funny. While Michael Cera played the same role of Quiet Awkward Guy that he's played in everything he's ever appeared in, it's entertaining and works for him....except in a movie that substitutes humor with a truckload of gross, sexual, awkward situations just for shock value. I invited a group of male and female friends to see it and not one of them liked it. Michael Cera's berry-picking scene in the opening of the film is probably my favorite scene of his; it all goes downhill from there. Jack Black was charismatic as always, but it felt like he was trying too hard and the dialogue was just not funny.

Jessica likes this.

Jessica dislikes this
Strappy sandals are one thing, but shoes with this many thick straps make it look like your foot's in a straight jacket--hopefully along with the person who decided this fashion needed to be worn outside of ancient Rome. Save these unflattering clunkers for your Helen of Troy Halloween costume. And, as if Gladiators aren't enough of a ridiculous trend to begin with, someone decided to make a jelly shoe version, so you can combine an ancient trend with a mid-90s one.

Jessica likes this.

Jessica dislikes this
It is amazing how hard it is to find a non-coffee drink that is energizing but without added sugar and chemicals. After my much-loved Energy Naked Juice was discontinued, I scoured the shelves of Whole Foods--a supermarket usually associated with health--for an energy alternative and found drinks like these two above, which look healthy enough but both have sugar, and not just naturally occurring sugar from fruit. The Acai drink has "evaporated cane juice", a very popular ingredient in some products Whole Foods carries, and an ingredient that's code for sugar. The Blue Sky drink has sucrose, another word for "sugar" in the Food Thesaurus. I didn't even bring in Red Bull, Monster or those other cracked-out drinks into this contest, because we already know how diabolical those are.

I was in the Whole Foods cereal aisle a few weeks ago and started looking at other juices and then at the bottled teas. Black tea has always been a good energy alternative for me but I'd like it cold, pre-made and portable if possible so I don't have to constantly brew it. I picked up a large container of Honest Tea's "Just Black" tea; it's pre-brewed, simple, unsweetened, and has the added bonuses of being fair trade and organic. It may not be as sweet as the whipped, mocha, diabetes-inducing drinks Starbucks creates, but I'd rather save that much sugar consumption for a brownie, not my morning caffeine. Since black tea has half the caffeine of coffee I may need to have a little more. But I'm more sensitive to caffeine anyway so hopefully this can keep me going, along with my vitamins, flax seed oil and fish oil--yum!

I'm still on the search for a caffeinated drink that will give me energy without sugar, chemicals, or a crash later.

More likes and dislikes are sure to come. Until then, I'll exercise my thumb by hitting the "I like this" button on facebook.